The tools you need to get the job done

Locks Save Lives Toolkit

The Locks Save Lives toolkit is free to download for implementation in your community. The toolkit is designed as a platform for prevention coalitions and community organizations to use in their communities to educate and encourage parents, grandparents and guardians with youth in grades 6-12 in the home to lock-up their prescription medications to reduce youth access to prescription opioids.

The toolkit includes a collection of high-quality rack cards, lock box cards, pledge to lock your meds cards, posters, stickers, theater ads, social media posts with images and this website; where visitors can learn more about the importance of locking up and properly disposing medications, take the pledge to lock their meds and download a free campaign toolkit to share resources and implement the campaign in their communities. Campaign materials are localized for use in Washington State as well as nationwide and are available in Spanish and English.

For questions about the Locks Save Lives campaign, email


Two Locks Save Lives logo formats available.

Locks Save Lives

Full color transparent background (right click image to download)

Locks Save Lives

Full color white background (right click image to download)


Two different sized stickers with the Locks Save Lives logo and link to the campaign microsite.

  • Large – full color, white background, 4.25” x 6” 
  • Small – full color, transparent, 2” x 3” 
Locks Save Lives
Locks Save Lives

Rack Cards

Three different 4 x 9 two-sided rack cards with tailored stats and messaging for use in Washington State and Nationwide. Available in English and Spanish versions.

Rack Cards

4.5 x 10.5 two-sided rack card with 8 different images representing diverse family units and smart tips for safe medication storage and disposal on opposite side.

Rack Card Front
Rack Card Front
Rack Card Front
Rack Card Front
Rack Card Front
Rack Card Front
Rack Card Front
Rack Card Front
Rack Card Back

Lock Box Cards

Three different 4.25 x 7.25 two-sided box cards with tailored stats and messaging for use in Washington State and Nationwide. Available in English and Spanish versions.

3×4 Pledge Cards

Four different cards with a stat on one side and the “Take the Pledge to Lock Your Meds” call to action on the other side.

Includes directions for taking the pledge on the microsite and sharing their pledge on social media using hashtags; #LocksSaveLives, #opioids, #chooseprevention, #PreventCoalition

Opioids play a role in 1 in 5 deaths among young adults.

7% of WA state 12th graders misused prescription drugs in the past 30 days—that’s 1.5 times higher than the national average.

Includes directions for taking the pledge on the microsite and sharing their pledge on social media using hashtags; #LocksSaveLives, #opioids, #chooseprevention, #PreventCoalition

Opioids play a role in 1 in 5 deaths among young adults.

7% of WA state 12th graders misused prescription drugs in the past 30 days—that’s 1.5 times higher than the national average.

29% of parents with children 18 years of age and younger report storing medications safely in the home—in a latched or locked location.

More than half of young adults who misuse prescription opioids got them from a friend or family member.

11 x 17 Posters

Four different posters with tailored stats and messaging for use in Washington State and Nationwide. Available in English and Spanish versions.

Theater Ads

Three theater ads with campaign messaging for use in Washington State.

Social Media

A series of shareable social media posts with suggested copy to use with the social media posts.

  • Multiple image versions of tailored stats and messaging for Washington State
  • Hashtags: #LocksSaveLives, #chooseprevention, #PreventCoalition, #opioids

Instructions: To download individual images, right click the image and save.

Ease of access is the #1 reason youth misuse prescription drugs. Locking up medications is easy and important. Keep your meds locked and away. For more info, visit

Your medications were prescribed to YOU. For your kids’ sake, keep your meds locked and away. For more info, visit

Pharmacists lock up prescription pain meds for a reason. You should lock yours up, too. For more info, visit

29% of parents with children 18 years of age and younger report storing medications safely in the home—in a latched or locked location. We can do better. Together, we can achieve 100%. For your kids’ sake, pledge to lock your meds at,

Are your pain meds locked up? More than half of young adults who misuse prescription opioids got them from a friend or family member. For more info, visit

Opioids play a role in 1 in 5 deaths among young adults. For your kids’ sake, keep your meds locked and away. For more info, visit

More than half of young adults who misuse prescription opioids got them from a friend or family member, often times without them knowing. For your kids’ sake, pledge to lock up your meds. For more info and to take the pledge, visit

9.9% of 12th graders nationally have misused prescription drugs in the past year. You can help lower that number by locking up your meds. For more info, visit

Are you locking up your prescription meds? 7% of WA state 12th graders misused prescription drugs in the past 30 days—that’s 1.5 times higher than the national average. For more info, visit