Stories & Testimonials
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Five years ago, I lost my brother to an opioid addiction that could have been prevented from locking up medications. In high school, he experimented with medications taken from friends and family unlocked medicine cabinets. Later he progressed to using heroin and tragically a month after my brother’s thirtieth birthday he sub come to an overdose. The necessary act of locking up medications could have prevented my brother’s opioid addiction and saved his life.
I lost my 28 year old nephew to an accidental overdose. He met a gal that had stolen methadone from a cancer patient’s medicine cabinet. They thought it would be great fun to take methadone along with alcohol and sadly my nephew who was really an amazing young guy woke up dead. Standing at the gravesite of a 28 year old man wondering what could have been, kind of precipitated my belief in the fact that prescription drugs while they’re super important, they should be locked up. We want people to put a locking medicine cabinet, a cabinet door lock, a gun safe or some sort of a locking place in each new home or apartment so that young people have the opportunity to live and explore their potential as opposed to dying because of a crime of opportunity. No one should have to stand at another grave site over $30.

I have a very young family-member who recently found some pills in the kitchen of a house she was visiting and began to “eat” them thinking they were candy. Fortunately, there was immediate intervention and the medication wasn’t significantly dangerous. That could have turned out so differently and could have been prevented by storing the pills in a secure place. The Locks Save Lives campaign’s goal is a laudable one. It’s commendable that it provides both needed awareness and a deliverable solution.
Milestone Property Management installs lock boxes in the top shelf of the primary bedroom closet for all our newly built, renovated, and turned apartments. The lock boxes provide residents with a safe place to store their medications to keep them out of reach of children and anyone who resides or visits their residence. Every property management company, developers, and real estate companies in this community and across the country, all need to follow suit. If Milestone is doing it, you can do it too. It’s quick, it’s simple, it’s cost effective, and it saves lives.

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