What can I do?
Whether you’re a home builder, property manager, realtor, or parent a small investment in a lock can make a huge impact and save lives by establishing safe medicine storage as a standard safety practice.

Cabinet Locks & Lock Boxes
Wondering what lock or lock box to buy and install? Click the button below to learn about different types of locks and lock boxes and where to purchase them.

Locks Save Lives Home
Saving lives starts at home. When you choose to become a Locks Save Lives Home partner you invest in saving lives and prioritize safety by making safe medication storage easy and a standard for all families. Likewise, you play a key role in preventing prescription drug misuse and accidental poisonings by making it possible for families to keep their medications safe and loved ones free from harm.

Pledge to Lock your Meds
Ease of access is the #1 reason youth misuse prescription drugs—75 percent of opioid misuse starts with using medication that wasn’t prescribed for them-usually taken from a friend or family member.
Video Resources
Learn more about Locks Save Lives Home and what our partners are doing!